Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blogging Around

So I read Stephanie Smelyanski's blog about her short story. Rather than simply writing the process of what happened, she wrote about her thought process, also known as Metacognition. She talks about how stressed he was about making the deadline that she overthought the entire process and stressed out. But later when she was relaxed and playing  song she came up with a idea that she was proud of. The following is my comment on her blog:

"I totally agree with you. I always get so stressed out before any of my assignments that I forget about how much fun it s to learn through writing. I've realized over time that when I'm relaxed I can come up with better ideas. When I was coming up with the idea for my story I was actually pulling my hair out and threw my laptop out of stress (don't judge me, it had been a long day). But when I sat down and watched The "X-Factor" I got my idea. It's the paradox of stress, school's think that stress "Roots out the boys from the men" but actually it creates low quality products. The Characters in our story are always in our subconciousness so it might explain the whole Uke thing. But yes, when you forget about making everything perfect your creativity flows and allows the things you want to happen, but not in the ways you expect them, like with stress on your characters."

I also read Jordin Arrigo's big on the idea of "Darkness" within the book Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad and how it could relate to the real world as well as how it changed her perspective on things. The following are my thoughts on her blog:

"So true, the extent to which our actions affect each other are often times unknown. Our Darkness could simply refer to a bad and confusing event or our ignorance and its consequences. these clashes of ignorance are brought to life within the book. I love how the author continually tries to emphasize the darkness as it brings to light his true message. Form is content and he made it so that half of the time we didn't know what he was talking about and that we could only see one perspective. It was giving the reader the full sense of what it's like to live in a world of ignorance. We still live in one today, there is still plenty of darkness left over, maybe even to a greater extent. Maybe the author was referring to something beyond simple cultural clashes, maybe it referred to ideas as well! I wonder what all of our darkness's are as 21st century."

That's it for today! Good luck on your AP exams!

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